Clubs and Enrichment

Trinity Academy, where education meets faith, shaping resilient minds and nurturing compassionate hearts. As an LCMS Lutheran elementary school, our foundation is rooted in Christian values, ensuring a holistic approach to education that integrates spiritual development with academic excellence.


Trinity Academy offers weekly chapel experiences for all grade levels. Students worship alongside their teachers in a traditional, liturgical setting. Students are taught the Lord’s Prayer, the Apostle’s Creed, and learn about the Sacraments. For more information about doctrine, theology, or traditions, please contact the Church Office at (772)461-7272.

S.T.E.A.M. Program

Our science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics enrichment program encourages curiosity and critical thinking. Expect tessellations, dendrochronology, and exothermic reactions!

S.E.L. (Social-Emotional Learning) Art Class

Art class not only nurtures creativity but serves as a platform for emotional expression and self-discovery, fostering well-rounded individuals.

Computer Skills Class

 Equipping students with essential 21st-century skills, our curriculum includes robust computer education. Students learn how to safely use technology to meet their academic goals.

Spanish Class

Many schools do not offer foreign language instruction until middle school. However, at Trintiy Academy kids benefit from foreign language instruction starting in kindergarten. Learning a foreign language helps with literacy in English, enhances problem solving skills and even has attention control benefits. Spanish is taught by a native speaker with experience teaching Spanish/English to all ages, preschoolers to adults. Learning Spanish opens doors to cultural understanding and global communication, empowering students in an interconnected world.

Physical Education

i9 Sports provides rigorous physical education for our students. Kids learn lacrosse, flag football, field hockey, gaga ball, soccer and more.